(416) 347-6445 | 1 (800) 679-5536 [email protected]

Book an Appointment

When you book an appointment with AERCS you find the ideal therapist tailored to your needs. We guide you throughout, answering queries and ensuring a comfortable therapeutic journey for you.

Personalized Therapist Matching

Free Intake Assessment

Address Underlying Needs

Continuous Support Available

Unlock Hope and Healing with a Complimentary 15-Minute Phone Call Consultation

Are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? At AERCS, we're here to support you on your path to well-being. Our complimentary intake call is your opportunity to connect with us, confidentially share your journey, and discover the transformative support we offer. By taking this call, you're not just talking; you're taking control of your well-being, paving the way for tailored therapy that can change your life. Don't wait, book your call today and embrace the healing journey that awaits you.

Book an Appointment and Begin Your Journey in 3 Steps

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Dive into your therapy journey

Book an Appointment and Take the First Step.

AERCS is ideally positioned to help you find the perfect therapist. We will walk you through the process and answer any questions you might have and out the various services we offer.

You can schedule a free intake assessment and discuss your underlying needs, the therapies we offer, and available therapists who can support you. If you have difficulties when you book an appointment, or feel uneasy about the relationship or are having difficulties connecting with the person in therapy, please contact Gloria Segovia at 416 347 6445 for assistance.

Gloria Segovia can help you book an appointment.

Getting Therapy at AERCS.

AERCS therapists will use your first appointment to gather info about your current functioning, your background, medications, and other health details. After your second or third session, your therapist will have prepared a treatment plan with mutually agreed-upon goals. Your therapist may recommend commencing therapy weekly, and in time you could transition to bi-weekly or monthly appointments. Empirical evidence suggests that regular, consistent therapy produces better outcomes.

Duration of Therapy.

There is no set time for therapy. Our therapists work both in brief therapy models (therapy lasting between 6 and 10 sessions) or long-term therapy (lasting months or even years). In many instances finances and time are limitations. Our therapists are trained in therapeutic modalities that are “brief” in nature but also work towards accelerating the therapeutic process by minimizing or resolving persistent and distressful symptoms.

Will my Health Insurance Cover Psychotherapy Appointments?

The answer is probably yes. AERCS psychotherapists are Registered Psychotherapists with the College of Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) or the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers.

This means some of our Registered Psychotherapists can provide counselling services under “social work” as long as they are being supervised by a Registered Social Worker in their clinical work. (Many insurance companies accept the “supervised practice model”, check with your benefits provider to make sure).

It is up to the client to ensure that they are properly informed about their own coverage. Please contact our intake manager if you have any questions about coverage for therapy services. Please check your benefits provider if you believe you have benefits for the services of a Registered Psychotherapist or Registered Social Worker.

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AERCs Orangeville Location

873209 5 Line E, Orangeville, ON L9W 6A4

AERCs Toronto Location

1849 Yonge St, Floor 1, Suite 301, Toronto, ON M4S 1Y2

AERCS Partners With...

PVCRS ? Partners in Canadian Veterans Rehabilitation Services.
Logo for the Children's Aid Society of Toronto.
MAP - Building Trades Members Assistance Program