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Helping Your Child Through Play?

Knowing the right questions is vital for supporting your child through play. This quiz helps you challenge misconceptions and understand the benefits of play therapy. Take it to ensure you’re helping your child thrive.

Express Feelings Safely

Boosts Emotional Awareness

Builds Resilience Confidently

Tailored Child-Focused Approach

Unlock Hope and Healing with a Complimentary 15-Minute Phone Call Consultation

Are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? At AERCS, we're here to support you on your path to well-being. Our complimentary intake call is your opportunity to connect with us, confidentially share your journey, and discover the transformative support we offer. By taking this call, you're not just talking; you're taking control of your well-being, paving the way for tailored therapy that can change your life. Don't wait, book your call today and embrace the healing journey that awaits you.

Know What to Ask About Helping Your Child Through Play?

Take this quick quiz to see if you’re asking the right questions about helping your child through play.

Is play just a way for children to have fun, with no deeper purpose?
Can play therapy help children express emotions they can't verbalize?
Is it true that play therapy is only for young children?
Should parents avoid participating in play therapy sessions?
Is play therapy effective for helping children with trauma?
Does play therapy only focus on the child's current behaviour?
Can play therapy help children develop problem-solving skills?
Is it necessary for children to talk about their feelings during play therapy?
Can play therapy be adapted to suit different age groups and needs?
Is play therapy only effective if the child is aware they are being "treated"?

Know what to ask about helping your child through play?

Play therapy offers significant benefits in supporting your child through play, helping them express emotions, develop problem-solving skills, and process experiences in a safe, nurturing environment.

It’s especially effective for children who struggle to verbalize their feelings, allowing them to work through trauma or other challenges through play.

Engaging in play therapy can lead to improved emotional and social development, giving your child the tools they need to thrive. To learn more, visit AERCS Play Therapy.

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873209 5 Line E, Orangeville, ON L9W 6A4

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1849 Yonge St, West, Suite 301, Toronto, ON M4S 1Y2

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Office: (416) 486-2300
Fax: (416) 486-6469

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PVCRS ? Partners in Canadian Veterans Rehabilitation Services.
Logo for the Children's Aid Society of Toronto.
MAP - Building Trades Members Assistance Program