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Couples Counselling

Offering the Gottman Method for couples counselling, focusing on removing barriers, conflict management, and shared meaning, ensuring stronger, more satisfying relationships

Strengthening your Relationships

Helping With Conflict Resolution

Enhanced Your Connection

Helping Eliminate Detrimental Behaviors

Unlock Hope and Healing with a Complimentary 15-Minute Phone Call Consultation

Are you ready to take the first step towards a brighter future? At AERCS, we're here to support you on your path to well-being. Our complimentary intake call is your opportunity to connect with us, confidentially share your journey, and discover the transformative support we offer. By taking this call, you're not just talking; you're taking control of your well-being, paving the way for tailored therapy that can change your life. Don't wait, book your call today and embrace the healing journey that awaits you.

AERCS certified counsellors help couples address their relationship challenges.

AERCS staff includes registered counsellors, psychotherapists, and certified social workers, helping couples with:

  • Communication Issues
  • Infidelity
  • Financial Stress
  • Intimacy Issues
  • Parenting Differences
  • Trust Issues
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Life Transitions
  • Emotional and Physical Abuse
  • Unresolved Past Issues

Younger couples frequently have trust issues, and commonly argue about sex, and feel constrained when their relationship conflicts with a demanding career. Older people who have been together longer will fight over household chores and annoying habits, and one partner not valuing their time together. Communication problems and money issues are common triggers for all couples.

Cultural shifts in attitude and values over the past seventy-five years have redefined the meaning of the marriage commitment which leads to older, unmarried couples seeking counseling because they know they have something special and could benefit from professional counselling. They need guidelines to help frame discussions that will mitigate future conflicts.

AERCS focuses on understanding how each partner communicates and interacts with one another. This includes identifying areas where partners may be struggling. Our process helps improve communication and problem-solving skills.

The Gottman Method is effective in helping couples resolve conflicts, improve intimacy, and strengthen their relationship bond.

How does Couples Counselling work?


AERCS counsels couples using The Gottman Method, an approach that includes an assessment of the relationship and integrates research-based interventions based on the Sound Relationship House theory. AERCS Couples Therapy begins with an assessment that informs the therapeutic framework and intervention.

How much does Couples Therapy cost?

Couples therapy is priced at $265.00 for a ninety minute (80 min) session. A $220 for a 50 minute session option exists for couples who are time challenged.

What is Gottman Method Couples Therapy?

The Gottman Method Couples Therapy is created to disarm conflicting verbal communications, increase intimacy, respect, and affection and remove barriers that create a feeling of stagnancy. The Gottman Method creates a heightened sense of empathy and understanding within the context of the relationship.

AERCS Couples Counselling.

Do We Need Couples Counselling?

Are you curious about whether AERCS could be the right solution for you? Take this short, quick and insightful quiz to uncover your needs and discover how AERCS can make a positive impact in your life. Your journey to couples counselling starts here!

Are you experiencing a lack of intimacy or connection in your relationship?

Are you having trouble communicating with your partner effectively?

Have you been arguing or fighting with your partner more frequently than usual?

Have you been unable to resolve conflicts in your relationship?

Are you considering separation or divorce as a potential outcome?

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Ask Any Question.

What does the assessment do?

It is a joint session followed by individual interviews with each partner. Couples? complete questionnaires and then receive feedback on their relationship. money, and parenting.

What is "Therapeutic Framework"?

The couple and therapist decide on the frequency and duration of the sessions ? Which is part of the ?framework? followed.

What are Therapeutic Interventions?

Interventions are designed to help couples strengthen their relationships in three primary areas: friendship, conflict management, and the creation of shared meaning. Couples learn to replace negative conflict patterns with positive interactions and to repair past hurts. Interventions designed to increase closeness and intimacy are used to improve friendship, deepen emotional connection, and create changes that enhance the couples? shared goals. Relapse prevention is also addressed.

Depending on your individual needs, we may explore principles of cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and spirituality. We may use traditional talk therapy, values and strengths-based coaching, hypnotherapy, or havening. As a professor, our principle, Gloria Segovia offers psycho-educational awareness for those who wish. We are here to help you overcome the overwhelm and confusion.

What is the Gottman Method?

The Gottman Method is designed to support couples across all economic, racial, sexual orientation, and cultural sectors. Research has shown Gottman Method Couples Therapy to be effective for treating same-sex relationships. Some of the relationship issues that may be addressed in therapy include:

  • Frequent conflict and arguments.
  • Poor communication.
  • Emotionally distanced couples on the verge of separation.
  • Specific problems such as sexual difficulties, infidelity, money, and parenting.

Couples Counselling can Improve Your Most Important Relationship

Couples counselling is a type of therapy at AERCS that helps couples improve their relationship. It can be used to address various issues, such as communication problems, conflict resolution, and intimacy issues.

There are many reasons why you might consider our couples counselling. Perhaps you and your partner are struggling to communicate effectively or resolve conflicts. Maybe you?re feeling distant or disconnected from your partner. Or maybe you?re not sure if your relationship is worth saving.

Couples counselling can help you understand yourself and your relationship better. It can provide a safe space for you to discuss your feelings and concerns and teach you how to communicate better and resolve conflicts. If your relationship is in trouble, couples therapy at AERCS can help you save it. If your relationship is healthy, the same therapy can help make it even stronger.

If you and your partner are considering couples counselling, AERCS is the top-rated place in the region. We would be happy to discuss how our approach could help improve your relationship.

The Best Couples Counselling in Toronto

Couples counselling at AERCS can be an extremely beneficial experience for those in a committed relationship. Suppose you and your partner are dealing with communication problems, trust issues, or intimacy issues. In that case, couples counselling by our experts can help improve your relationship?s overall health.

There are a few ways to find the best couples counselling in Toronto. Once you reach out to us, you will feel comfortable, and you can begin the process of healing and work toward a better future. When you call to make an appointment, we let you know everything about the therapist?s experience, training, and approach to treatment for your satisfaction.

Our couples counselling in Toronto is home to several excellent counsellors specializing in couples counselling. Our globally competitive counsellors can help you and your partner resolve your issues and improve your relationship. We have years of experience helping couples overcome their problems and build stronger, healthier relationships.

Unique Gottman Couples Therapy for Sound Relationships

The Gottman Method is a type of couples therapy at AERCS based on the Sound Relationship House therapy. This approach focuses on helping couples strengthen their relationships in three primary areas: friendship, conflict management, and the creation of shared meaning.

Our Gottman couples therapy is effective in helping couples resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. The method is based on the idea that happy marriages are built on friendship, trust, and mutual respect. Couples who use the Gottman Method typically report feeling more connected and satisfied with their relationship after therapy.

The Gottman method also relies heavily on tools and techniques such as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which are four behaviors that are often associated with the end of a relationship. They are criticism, contempt, defensiveness, and stonewalling. The Gottman method couple?s therapist will help the couple learn how to identify these behaviors and work to eliminate them from their relationship.

If you are looking to learn more about the Gottman Method, or if you are considering Gottman couples therapy, always feel free to contact us as we are the leading and qualified therapists in your area.

Maintaining Long-Term Relationships with AERCS? Gottman Method Couples Therapy

Gottman?s method couples therapy is a form of therapy that focuses on the marital relationship. Dr. John Gottman created this type of therapy. He has been studying relationships for over 40 years and is considered one of the foremost authorities in this field.

The goal of Gottman?s method of couples therapy is to help people in long-term relationships repair and improve their relationships. The Gottman Method is based on the idea that all couples have conflict and that it is not necessarily a bad thing. It is how the team deals with the competition that determines whether or not their relationship will be successful.

Gottman method couples therapy at AERCS focuses on seven areas that are important to all relationships:

  1. Friendship
  2. Conflict resolution
  3. Emotional expression
  4. Financial management
  5. Physical intimacy
  6. Children and family
  7. Extended family and friends

One of the critical components of the Gottman Method practices at AERCs is its focus on understanding how each partner communicates and interacts with one another. This includes identifying areas where partners may be struggling and working to improve communication and problem-solving skills.

The Gottman Method is effective in helping couples resolve conflicts, improve intimacy, and strengthen their relationship bond. Considering our quality couples therapy, it may be worth exploring the Gottman Method suitable for your case.

Download your free copy of the AERCS Gottman Method Couples Counselling Program.

Tap or click to download your free copy of the AERCS Gottman Method Couples Counselling document.

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AERCs Orangeville Location

873209 5 Line E, Orangeville, ON L9W 6A4

AERCs Toronto Location

1849 Yonge St, Floor 1, Suite 301, Toronto, ON M4S 1Y2

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