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Need Help? Understanding the Mental Health Impact of Bullying

A Warm Welcome to Families & Youth of Toronto, Mississauga, and Orangeville!

Psychotherapist Gloria Segovia.

Hello, I’m Gloria Segovia, MSW, RSW, SFBT, CRPO, with certifications in GOTTMAN and EFT (both in motion), founder of AERCS. With 15+ years in psychotherapy, and I’m genuinely excited to share my passion for a subject very dear to me – helping youth and children suffering the effects of bulling. My approach is compassionate and tailored, focusing on empowering and building resilience. Let’s start this transformative journey together.

TL;DR Key Takeaways

  • Addressing the Mental Health Impact of Bullying: AERCS offers targeted interventions to mitigate the emotional and psychological effects of bullying on children and youth.
  • Specialized Play Therapy: AERCS’s play therapy utilizes the natural language of play to help children express and work through the mental health impact of bullying, fostering healing and resilience.
  • Individual Counselling for Youth: Tailored counselling services provide a supportive environment for youth to discuss their experiences and learn coping strategies, directly addressing the mental health impact of bullying.
  • Expert Team: AERCS’s qualified professionals, including RECEs and registered psychotherapists, specialize in addressing the challenges associated with bullying, ensuring effective and empathetic care.
  • Empowering Resilience: Through both play therapy and individual counselling, AERCS empowers children and youth to overcome the mental health impact of bullying, building confidence and emotional strength.
  • Family Involvement: AERCS encourages family participation in the healing process, providing guidance on how to support their child through the mental health impact of bullying.
  • Accessible Support: With a focus on easing the mental health impact of bullying, AERCS offers resources and appointments accessible to families seeking help for their children.

For more information, contact the AERCS Intake Coordinator.

Bullying in Canada is not just a transient phase of childhood or a mere rite of passage. It’s a pervasive issue that leaves deep scars on the mental health of our youth, shaping their futures in ways we cannot afford to ignore. The mental health impact of bullying extends far beyond the immediate moments of distress; it can lead to long-term psychological consequences, including depression, anxiety, and a host of other emotional challenges. With statistics highlighting a concerning prevalence of bullying in schools and online platforms, the need for effective, empathetic interventions has never been more critical.

At the frontline of addressing this challenge is AERCS, an organization dedicated to nurturing resilience and healing among those affected by bullying. Led by Gloria Segovia, a seasoned registered psychotherapist with over 15 years of experience working with children, youth, and families in Ontario, including Alison Clironomos-Di Matteo, a Registered Early Childhood Educator with specialized expertise in managing a spectrum of challenges from ADD/ADHD to trauma. AERCS offers a beacon of hope. Both professionals are deeply committed to employing play therapy and individual counselling as powerful tools for recovery and growth. Through their dedicated efforts, AERCS aims to mitigate the mental health impact of bullying, providing a safe, supportive environment where healing and empowerment are not just goals, but realities for every individual they touch.

Children on a school playground, illustrating the mental health impact of bullying through exclusion.

The Scope of Bullying in Canada.

Bullying’s scope is both alarming and revealing, shedding light on the urgent need for intervention and support.

Observational research in elementary schools has uncovered a stark reality: bullying incidents occur as frequently as every 7 minutes on the playground, with bystanders present in 85% of these cases.

This not only highlights the prevalence of bullying but also underscores the role of the community in either perpetuating or preventing these incidents.

Such findings point to a critical need for comprehensive strategies that involve not just the victims and perpetrators but also the silent witnesses of bullying.

Further compounding the issue, a significant portion of Canadian youth find themselves trapped in a cycle of aggression, with 41% of students reporting experiences of both bullying others and being victimized.

This dual role of aggressor and victim indicates the complex nature of bullying, where lines are blurred, and the mental health impact extends in multiple directions.

The repercussions of these dynamics on young minds are profound, contributing to a spectrum of mental health challenges that can shadow individuals well into adulthood.

These statistics are not merely numbers; they are a clarion call for action. They underscore the pervasive and detrimental mental health impact of bullying on Canadian youth, necessitating a multi-faceted approach to prevention and healing.

As we delve deeper into understanding the full scope of bullying in Canada, it becomes increasingly clear that addressing the mental health impact requires the collective efforts of educators, parents, policymakers, and mental health professionals.

With the insights and expertise of Canadian mental health professionals, such as those at AERCS, we begin to chart a course towards mitigating the effects of bullying and aiding in preventing its occurrence through education, empathy, and empowered action.

Did you know that the month of February is Pink Shirt Day?

Pink Shirt Day falls on the last Wednesday of February every year, it’s a global movement to support anti-bullying programs.

Understanding the Mental Health Impact of Bullying

Recent studies and the collective wisdom of mental health professionals have illuminated the profound and lasting effects that bullying can have on an individual’s psychological well-being.

Children and youth who are bullied face an elevated risk of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and substance abuse.

The Canadian Psychological Association has highlighted that these negative impacts are not transient—they can extend throughout life, manifesting as emotional disorders in adulthood, including depressive and anxiety disorders.

Moreover, the aggressors themselves are not immune to the long-term repercussions of their actions.

Engaging in bullying behaviour is linked to antisocial behaviour, gang involvement, and substance use, indicating a vicious cycle of distress and dysfunction that can ripple through communities and generations.

The Health of Canada’s Young People publication reinforces the idea that being a victim of bullying serves as an early marker for significant mental health problems across the lifespan.

This underscores the urgency of not only addressing bullying when it occurs but also proactively fostering environments that promote healthy relationships and emotional resilience.

Canadian youth face unique challenges in this digital age, where cyberbullying has emerged as a pervasive threat.

Unlike traditional forms of bullying, cyberbullying can follow them into their homes, leaving them feeling unsafe even in their private spaces.

This relentless nature of cyberbullying amplifies the mental health risks, making it imperative for interventions to adapt to the evolving landscapes of harassment and aggression.

The gender differences in bullying experiences also demand a nuanced understanding and approach.

Girls are more frequently targeted by bullying in forms that are often less visible, such as social exclusion and online harassment, leading to psychological distress that can be harder to detect and address.

Boys, on the other hand, may be more likely to engage in or be subjected to physical bullying, with societal expectations around masculinity complicating their willingness to seek help.

Understanding the mental health impact of bullying in Canada requires a multifaceted approach that considers the diverse experiences of youth, the changing modes of bullying, and the deep-seated psychological effects.

It’s a call to action for parents, educators, policymakers, and mental health professionals to collaborate in creating safer, more supportive environments that not only respond to bullying but actively work to prevent it, ensuring the well-being of all Canadian youth.

In addressing the profound mental health impact of bullying on Canadian youth, the role of specialized support services becomes indispensable.

AERCS, with its dedicated focus on individual counselling for youth and play therapy for children, stands at the forefront of offering effective, compassionate interventions tailored to heal and mitigate these adverse effects.

Individual counselling at AERCS provides a safe, confidential space where youth can express their feelings, confront their experiences of bullying, and develop coping strategies that empower them to navigate their emotional landscapes.

This one-on-one approach allows therapists to tailor their support to the unique needs of each young person, addressing the roots of depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges exacerbated by bullying.

Through building trust and understanding,  therapists at AERCS work to dismantle the isolation bullying often creates, fostering resilience and a renewed sense of self-worth in the individuals they support.

For younger children, who may not have the vocabulary to articulate their experiences and emotions, AERCS offers play therapy.

This innovative form of therapy utilizes the natural language of play to help children express what is troubling them when they do not have the verbal language to express their thoughts and feelings.

In the context of bullying, play therapy can be particularly effective in revealing the child’s inner world, providing insights into their fears, anxieties, and misunderstandings.

Through guided play sessions, therapists can help children work through their emotions, develop healthier coping mechanisms, and rebuild confidence in themselves and their relationships with peers.

By directly addressing the mental health impact of bullying, AERCS services are vital in ensuring that the scars left by such experiences do not define a child’s or youth’s life trajectory.

Whether through individual counselling or play therapy, AERCS is committed to healing, supporting, and empowering Canada’s young people to overcome the challenges posed by bullying and to foster a future where their mental health and well-being are prioritized.

In this way, AERCS not only helps to mitigate the immediate distress caused by bullying but also contributes to a foundation of emotional resilience that can support individuals throughout their lives.

AERCS’s Expert Approach to Healing

In tackling the pervasive issue of bullying and its significant mental health impact, AERCS adopts an expert approach to healing that is both comprehensive and compassionate.

Understanding the complexities of the emotional distress caused by bullying, AERCS offers specialized services in play therapy and individual counselling, tailored to meet the unique needs of children and youth affected by these challenging experiences.

AERCS’s play therapy sessions, detailed further at AERCS Play Therapy, provide a creative and non-threatening avenue for children to express their feelings and thoughts.

Recognizing that young children may not always have the words to describe their internal struggles, play therapy utilises the universal language of play to explore and address the mental health impact of bullying.

Through this therapeutic approach, children find a safe environment where they can work through their experiences of being bullied, understand and express their emotions, and learn coping strategies to build resilience.

The skilled play therapists at AERCS are trained to interpret the children’s play patterns, offering insights and interventions that promote healing and emotional growth.

For youth and adolescents, AERCS’s individual counselling services, available at AERCS Individual Counselling, offer a supportive space to navigate the often complex emotions and challenges that arise from bullying.

This personalised form of therapy addresses the direct and indirect effects of bullying on an individual’s mental health, including issues of self-esteem, anxiety, and depression.

AERCS’s registered psychotherapists employ a variety of therapeutic techniques, adapted to suit the specific situation and needs of each client.

The goal of individual counselling is not only to alleviate the immediate distress caused by bullying but also to equip youth with the emotional tools they need to foster long-term resilience and well-being.

AERCS’s expert approach to healing is grounded in the understanding that the mental health impact of bullying can be deep and enduring. By offering targeted support through play therapy and individual counselling, AERCS aims to mitigate these effects, empowering children and youth to move beyond their experiences of bullying.

The organization’s commitment to evidence-based practices, combined with a deep compassion for those they serve, ensures that each child and youth receives the highest quality of care, tailored to facilitate recovery and promote a positive path forward.

In this way, AERCS stands as a beacon of hope and healing for Canadian families navigating the challenges of bullying and its aftermath.

Individual Counselling for Youth

Individual counselling for youth at AERCS is designed with a deep understanding of the mental health impact of bullying, offering a supportive and therapeutic environment where young individuals can explore their feelings, understand their experiences, and develop strategies to cope and thrive.

This bespoke counselling approach acknowledges the unique challenges that bullying imposes on the mental and emotional well-being of youth, providing a pathway towards healing and resilience.

Key features of AERCS’s individual counselling for youth include:

  • Tailored Support: Understanding that each youth’s experience with bullying is unique, AERCS offers personalised counselling sessions that cater to the specific emotional and psychological needs of the individual.
  • Safe and Confidential Environment: A core component of the counselling process is ensuring a safe space where youth feel comfortable and secure to open up about their experiences without fear of judgement or reprisal.
  • Skilled Therapists: AERCS’s team comprises registered psychotherapists with extensive experience in dealing with the mental health impact of bullying. They employ a range of therapeutic techniques, from cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) to narrative therapy, aimed at empowering youth.
  • Coping Strategies: The counselling process focuses on developing effective coping strategies that youth can apply in their daily lives, helping them to manage the emotional stressors related to bullying and enhancing their resilience.
  • Empowerment and Self-Esteem Building: A significant goal of individual counselling is to rebuild the self-esteem and confidence that bullying often erodes. AERCS therapists work to empower youth, helping them to see their value and strength.
  • Family Involvement: Recognizing the important role of the family, AERCS encourages the involvement of family members in the therapeutic process, as appropriate, to support the youth’s journey to healing.

AERCS’s individual counselling for youth addresses the mental health impact of bullying by equipping young people with the emotional tools they need to overcome the challenges they face.

Through compassionate, expert care, AERCS helps transform the narrative of bullying from one of victimhood to one of resilience and hope, guiding youth on a path towards emotional well-being and fulfillment.

Children in pink shirts standing together in solidarity against the mental health impact of bullying.

Play Therapy for Children

Play therapy for children at AERCS serves as a vital intervention to address the mental health impact of bullying, providing a unique and effective means for children to express, understand, and work through their feelings and experiences. Recognizing that children may not always have the words to communicate their emotional pain, play therapy utilizes the universal language of play, a natural medium for children to explore their inner and outer worlds.

Key Concepts of Play Therapy:

  • Child-Centred Approach: Play therapy at AERCS puts the child at the centre of the therapy process, allowing them to lead the play in a way that feels natural and comfortable to them.
  • Safe and Supportive Environment: AERCS creates a secure and nurturing space where children can express themselves freely through play without fear of judgement or consequence.
  • Therapeutic Relationship: The bond between the therapist and the child is foundational, with therapists offering empathy, understanding, and unconditional positive regard to foster trust and safety.
  • Expressive Tools: A variety of toys, art materials, and creative activities are used as expressive tools, enabling children to symbolically express thoughts and feelings they may not verbally articulate.
  • Reflection and Insight: Therapists observe the children’s play patterns and behaviours to gain insights into their emotional state and challenges, guiding the therapeutic process to address the specific needs of each child.

Top 5 Benefits of Play Therapy:

  1. Enhances Emotional Expression: Play therapy provides a platform for children to express their feelings and thoughts in a manner that is most natural to them, helping to alleviate the emotional burden of bullying.
  2. Builds Coping Skills: Through guided play, children learn new ways of thinking about and responding to the challenges they face, including developing strategies to cope with the feelings of hurt, anger, or confusion stemming from bullying.
  3. Improves Self-Esteem: By providing a positive and affirming environment, play therapy helps children to regain confidence and self-worth that bullying may have diminished.
  4. Facilitates Healing and Resolution: The act of play allows children to process their experiences of bullying, promoting healing and enabling them to move towards emotional resolution and well-being.
  5. Strengthens Social Skills: Play therapy also offers opportunities for children to develop and practice social skills within the therapeutic setting, which can be invaluable in building healthier relationships with peers and reducing the risk of future bullying.

Through its play therapy services, AERCS directly addresses the mental health impact of bullying on children, employing the transformative power of play to heal, empower, and support the youngest members of our society on their journey towards emotional health and resilience.

FAQ: Understanding the Mental Health Impact of Bullying

These FAQs aim to provide a clearer understanding of the mental health impact of bullying and the importance of seeking appropriate support.

AERCS’s commitment to offering targeted interventions like play therapy and individual counselling plays a vital role in healing and empowerment for those affected by bullying.

What is the mental health impact of bullying on children and youth?

The mental health impact of bullying on children and youth can be profound and long-lasting. Victims may experience a range of emotional and psychological challenges, including depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and in some cases, suicidal thoughts. Bullying can also lead to academic difficulties, social isolation, and problematic coping mechanisms such as substance abuse.

How can play therapy help children affected by the mental health impact of bullying?

Play therapy is an effective way to help children cope with the mental health impact of bullying. It provides a safe and supportive environment where children can express their feelings and experiences through play, a natural means of communication for them. This approach helps in processing their emotions, enhancing self-esteem, developing coping skills, and improving social interactions.

What role does individual counselling play in addressing the mental health impact of bullying among youth?

Individual counselling plays a crucial role in addressing the mental health impact of bullying among youth by offering personalised support and strategies to deal with emotional distress. It provides a confidential space where youth can explore their feelings, understand the effects of bullying, and learn effective coping mechanisms. Counselling also aims to rebuild self-esteem and empower individuals to navigate future challenges.

Can the mental health impact of bullying have long-term effects?

Yes, the mental health impact of bullying can have long-term effects on individuals. Without appropriate intervention, children and youth who have been bullied may carry the psychological scars into adulthood, affecting their emotional well-being, relationships, and professional lives. Early intervention through services like AERCS can mitigate these long-term risks by providing the necessary support and tools for healing.

Where can I find resources or support for dealing with the mental health impact of bullying?

For those seeking support for the mental health impact of bullying, AERCS offers specialised resources such as play therapy and individual counselling. Information about these services and how to access them can be found on their website. Additionally, the Canadian Psychological Association and Public Health Canada provide valuable resources and information on coping strategies and support networks available across Canada.

Empowering Resilience: Navigating the Path to Healing

Confronting the mental health impact of bullying is a journey that no child should navigate alone.

As parents and guardians, recognizing the signs and seeking timely, appropriate help is crucial in mitigating the distress and long-term consequences bullying can inflict on young minds.

AERCS provides support, offering specialised services such as play therapy and individual counselling tailored to heal the emotional wounds bullying leaves behind.

In our efforts to safeguard our children’s well-being, it’s essential to remember that the scars of bullying aren’t always visible. The mental health impact can be profound, affecting their confidence, academic performance, and social interactions.

Initiating open conversations, fostering a nurturing home environment, and accessing professional support like that provided by AERCS can make a significant difference in their recovery and resilience.

As we conclude, let’s ponder on the collective role we play in creating a supportive community that listens, empathises, and acts.

Seeking help for our children is not just about addressing the immediate effects of bullying; it’s about empowering them to emerge stronger, more compassionate, and resilient.

Remember, the path to healing begins with understanding, support, and the right interventions. Together, we can help families turn the tide on bullying and its mental health impact, ensuring a brighter, healthier future for our children.

Does Your Child Need Help from AERCS?

Find out in just a few minutes!

Has your child shown signs of emotional distress or changes in behaviour that concern you?


Does your child seem withdrawn or reluctant to go to school or social events?


Have you noticed any unexplained injuries, or has your child’s belongings gone missing or been damaged?


Does your child have trouble sleeping or experience frequent nightmares?


Has your child expressed feelings of helplessness or decreased self-esteem?


Counselling Toronto, Mississauga, and Orangeville – Steps to Begin Your Journey with AERCS

Easy Guidance: How to Get Started

Beginning your journey with AERCS for mental health impact of bullying is straightforward. Here are the simple steps to get you on the path to better recovery:

  1. Phone AERCS: Call us at 1-800-679-5536 to speak directly with our team.
  2. Online Contact Form: Fill out our contact form at AERCS Contact for a quick response.
  3. Book Using Jane App: Conveniently schedule an appointment at AERCS Jane App.
  4. Complimentary 20 Minute Consultation: Request a complimentary call to understand your needs and match you with the right therapist.
Gloria Segovia

Gloria Segovia

MSW, RSW, SFBT, CRPO, GOTTMAN CERT (In motion) EFT (In motion)

Gloria Segovia, a seasoned Registered Psychotherapist and Clinical Social Worker, brings over 15 years of expertise in psychotherapy, catering to individuals, couples, and families. Specializing in addiction, relapse prevention, and couples counseling, Gloria’s eclectic approach combines best practices in trauma and recovery counseling. With a commitment to lifelong learning, she’s trained in Solution Focus Brief Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and the Gottman marital approach. Gloria’s compassionate and empathic nature ensures a safe, inclusive environment, emphasizing strengths-based therapy and collaborative partnerships with clients.

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AERCs Orangeville Location

873209 5 Line E, Orangeville, ON L9W 6A4

AERCs Toronto Location

1849 Yonge St, Floor 1, Suite 914, Toronto, ON M4S 1Y2

AERCs Mississauga Location

89 Queensway W #226, Mississauga, ON L5B 2V2